If you're website hasn't had any major updates for 18 months then it may be worth considering an upgrade. A fresh new design projects the right message to any existing customers and also ensures new customers continue to be impressed by your website. Not only will it mean a new design but it can also mean utilising the latest technology to increase conversions and streamline your sales process.
Intelligent forms are proven to increase conversions by up to 70%. Ensure you don't miss out on leads by having engaging forms that are easy to use.
Save time and ensure you always provide a great customer experience by automating processes such as follow-up emails, updating your CRM and more.
It's important to ensure your website performs as good as it can with the latest technology - an upgrade will ensure your website is utilising all new features.
Adding live chat to your website is a sure-fire way to increase engagements and conversions. Automate the chat to save you time and provide a great experience.
Are you confident that your website as is as good as it can be? Have a read of our marketing plan which features 12 top tips on how to turn your website into a sales superstar.
Cotswold Web Services.