If you're looking at an update or re-design of your website, you'll want to make sure it includes Responsive Web Design (RWD). In simple terms, it just means that the website will re-size itself to fit the size of the screen. Makes sense doesn't it? If you think about viewing websites on your phone or tablet - sometimes the site is a bit difficult to navigate because it's not designed for that device. More recently we've been able to design mobile-friendly versions or specific designs to fit the purpose. This however, is very different. But how exactly?
1. Automatic Re-Design
It will reduce the size of images and change the layout of content (e.g. a row of 4 images will become 2 rows of 2 images) for a smaller screen size screen, for an even smaller screen (e.g. a mobile) it would put all of the images in 1 column.
2. Always Easy to Navigate
As a result, the website is always easy to navigate. Re-sizing, scrolling and panning is kept to a minimum. It looks good, no matter how big or small the screen size. This is particularly useful now as more and more people are accessing the web via tablets and phones. See the latest stats on internet usage here .
3. Even on Desktop Reductions
This even works if you reduce the size of your browser, on your laptop for example. It ensures the best exposure for your website at all times.
At Cotswold Web Services we've recently launched two new websites using this technology - try them out! Loving Lodges (Main Picture), JDP Procurement . For more technical details on how it works, take a look at this Infographic.
If you'd like to talk to us about a re-design or build, just call us on 01242 807847 - we'd love to help.
Take a look at what we can do by visiting our portfolio.
Cotswold Web Services.