Unlimited orders
Drag & drop online menu editor
Support for uploading your images, plus a generous collection of food images available to use
Customisable food items: sizes, choices and add-ons with multiple select
Single page checkout
Data auto-fill for returning customers
Real time confirmation of the orderNo setup fee
Ready for promos with/without coupons
Restaurant app for receiving orders in real time
Working from smartphones and tablets
Available for Android and iOS
Visual and audio notification on new order
Easy review of customer and order details
Real time confirmation of the order and fulfillment time
Multiple Alerts when the ordering app is not reachable
SMS auto-print support
Thermal Printing directly from the app (works with compliant Epson, Seiko and Start models)
Works for pickup and delivery
Multiple opening hours for delivery and pick-up
Delivery zones settings with circles or polygons
Minimum order and/or min delivery fee options
Order for later with scheduled fulfillment
Online payments, cash and other payment options
Support for tips (online payments)
Sales optimised website builder
Ordering stats, delivery heat-map, clients and orders lists (with data export)
Promotions engine: 11 templates, coupons support, customers segmentation and targeting
Multi-location support
Complete online ordering for websites
Native ordering for mobile browsers
Online ordering snap-in inside Facebook
White-label design, suitable for any website
Compatible with most website builders
Table booking module for websites
Table booking with ordering in advance options
Bookings received and confirmed in real time with the order taking app
Native apps for Android and iOS devices
Optimised for smartphones and tablets
Same real-time ordering as on web
Pay food online in-app
Save my addresses
Shared app with other restaurants
Based on a curated list of restaurants
Referring restaurant is shown first when its recommended clients start the app
Only one restaurant brand with all its locations
Personalised logo, slogan and background image
Cotswold Web Services.